While living in New York City in the early 1990s, I awoke to an angelic choir singing a song – without words. I’d never heard such a beautiful choir. I laid there for a bit and enjoyed it. Then my right brain kicked in and I started to wonder, where is this music coming from? It must be coming from a neighbor’s stereo or outside, I began to reason. I got up and put my ear to the walls – no, not coming from the neighbors. Next, I opened the window and poked my head out and only to hear NYC traffic sounds. As the music faded, I realized the sound was coming from within my apartment – or my head. This experience left a lasting impression that the angels were just a dream, a song, or whisper away.
What angelic songs or signs are you hearing or seeing these days? Do you need help decoding their messages? Consider ordering one of the eCourses, eBooks, or offerings mentioned below this month. You could even “gift” a friend with one of our healing eCourses and take the course together. Set the “start date” for the New Year, if you’d like!
See which article or offer below calls out to you this holy season. Wishing you moments of joy and peace for the holy-days!