I never knew my grandfather as he died of a heart attack at age 53, soon after I was born. Numerous relatives on my father’s side of the family, the Slavic side, have suffered from diabetes; my grandfather and both his sisters all had diabetes and died from complications of this dis-ease. Family lore says, they all continued to eat candy despite their condition. Of my generation, my older brother was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in his late 30s (over 10 years ago). So it was with great personal interest that I reviewed the new DVD Simple Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days. I found its message to be inspiring yet simple. And I found the individual stories, their reasons for and reactions toward embracing (or resisting) a new life style, compelling.
Like the popular reality television show, The Biggest Loser (minus the drill sergeant type trainers – Bob and Julian), this documentary is about a group’s healing journey. The support and emotional bonds that evolve between them are real and touching at times.
Find press release below.
SIMPLY RAW: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
Gabriel Cousens M.D, Anthony Robbins, Woody Harrelson, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Morgan Spurlock, David Wolfe & More Discuss the Healing Power of Raw Foods in New Film
BETHEL, CT (January 27, 2009)-A fascinating, independent film follows the remarkable journeys of six diabetics (Type 1 and 2) for 30 days as they take the “Raw Challenge” to reverse their disease naturally without prescription drugs by eating only organic, vegan, uncooked, ‘raw foods’ despite the American Medical Association’s claim that “Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure.” Their physiological and emotional transformations are featured in a new DVD entitled Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days (March 2009).
Set at The Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Arizona founded by Gabriel Cousens, M.D., the film follows the participants as they are challenged to give up their traditional, American diets consisting of meat, dairy, sugar, processed foods, and cooked foods, as well alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine, as they continue to reduce their dosages of insulin and prescription medications. The results are astounding.
“One of the most potent, pandemic diseases is Type 2 diabetes affecting 246 million people worldwide. We need to wake up to the possibility that simply changing our diet can significantly reverse and even cure this disease. The results of the participants in this documentary offer evidence of that,” states Dr. Cousens.  The author of There’s a Cure for Diabetes and founder of The Tree of Life, Gabriel Cousens, MD is a well-known holistic medical doctor for 35 years and published authority on alternative healing and raw living food nutritional therapies. He has helped thousands heal myriad diseases through the power of raw foods.
A diet consisting of plant-source only, raw foods is rapidly gaining worldwide recognition for its power to heal and rejuvenate, as well as maintain health at a high energy level. The raw diet mostly consists of fruits, vegetables, grains, sprouts, nuts and seeds. It is a vegan diet (no meat, cheese, eggs or milk), but with one caveat: It is prepared at temperatures less than between 118 degrees Fahrenheit to preserved the natural enzymes, nutrients and the food’s life-force energy from the sun. When food is cooked, 50 percent of the protein is lost, 70-80 percent of the vitamins and minerals are lost, and close to 100 percent of the phytonutrients are destroyed.
Simply Raw chronicles the transformation of six “real life” participants – with no prior knowledge of a plant-source only, raw food way of life – all struggling with diabetes. Their inspiring transformations are documented over 30 days. Upon arrival at the Tree of Life, the group receives physical exams and medical tests under the care of Dr. Cousens and his staff. Daily medical discussions and support group meetings teach the participants about food selection and preparation as well as exercise, meditation and yoga. Throughout the film, we witness moments of struggle, support, and hope. Remarkably nearly all of the participants were able to attain normal blood sugar levels and eliminate their insulin and prescription drug intake they depended on for decades.
The Simply Raw film has inspired a movement www.rdnmovement.com, to bring together people from around the world to reverse diabetes naturally through the spreading of educational resources on nutrition such as the Simply Raw film and “The Ultimate Encyclopedia of the Raw Food Lifestyle”. An RDN Action Day is slated for April 25, 2009.
The Simply Raw DVD is available for purchase at simplyrawmovie.com or at amazon.com. Running time: 88 minutes.