Are you anticipating or mourning the loss of your pet, and surprised and even overwhelmed at the depth of your grief? The lessons in this course are designed both to help you understand and cope with the grief of losing your pet, and to guide you towards meaningful growth, healing and inspiration. Come to a better understanding of the emotional upheaval caused by the shock, disbelief, anger, guilt and sorrow that are commonly experienced when a beloved pet is lost. Learn meaningful ways to memorialize your faithful friend. You deserve to feel comforted, understood and acknowledged as a person in grief, and reassurance that you are normal and healthy in loving your faithful animal friend so deeply. [Learn more now]
Sadly, the below message was posted on Marty Tousley’s grief blog this August. Our hearts go out to Marty and her husband as they grieve the passing of their beloved dog, Beringer. Marty has helped so many of us walk the difficult path of grief over the years and she continues to do so in her eCourses, eBooks and discussion forum. Our heartfelt condolences to you, dear Marty, as you yourself walk this difficult path once more.

Saying Goodbye to Beringer
By Marty Tousley, Bereavement Counselor
Dear Ones,

I’d like you all to know that this morning, August 22, 2011 we said our final farewell to our beloved Tibetan terrier, Beringer. He was born August 15, 1996, and came to us eight weeks later as the most precious and adorable puppy we’d ever seen. Over the years he wrapped his furry self around every aspect of our daily lives, and has been for both of us the source of the most exquisite form of love: complete, pure and unconditional. He has always been everything a dog should be: our most loyal and constant companion. He will be sorely missed.
My heart is too broken to say any more at the moment, so this will have to do: